Child Protection
Imogen Gibson School of Dance have a moral and legal obligation to ensure that, when given responsibility for children, all staff, chaperones, parents/legal guardians and volunteers accept their responsibilities to safeguard children from harm and abuse. This means to ensure that everyone follows procedures to protect children and report any concerns about their welfare to appropriate authorities. All dance teachers are fully qualified, DBS checked and insured.
There are three elements to our policy:-
- Prevention through awareness of each individual child’s needs.
- Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect
- Procedures for identifying and reporting cases or suspected cases of abuse.
The aim of the policy is to promote good practice, providing children and young people with appropriate safety/protection whilst in the care of the dance school and to allow staff and volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues.
Imogen Gibson School of Dance will therefore:-
- Act within the Children’s Act 1989 & 2004
- Act within The working together to safeguard Children 2023 Act.
- Act within the Children (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014
- Establish and maintain an ethos where children feel welcome and familiar with their environment and are informed of personal (toilets, dressing rooms etc) and emergency arrangements (fire exits etc) and any Health and Safety Procedures (First aid etc)
- Inform each child who the appropriate person or people are to speak to if they have any questions, problems or concerns.
- Ensure that all children are treated with respect and dignity and are treated as individuals and offered equality of opportunities.
- Always work in an open environment (e.g. avoiding private or unobserved situations and unnecessary physical contact with children)
- Recognising the individual needs of the child. Eg- recognising when a child may be tired and may need a break.
- Ensure that children are supervised appropriately.
- Ensure all volunteers and staff coming into close contact with children are DBS checked.
- Ensure that all staff and crew who don’t necessarily have close contact with children but who are assisting in the production are aware of their conduct around children.
Definitions of Child abuse and Neglect
A child or young person up to the age of 18 years can suffer abuse or neglect and require protection. · Physical Abuse - May involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning or suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates or induces illness in a child whom they are looking after.
- Sexual Abuse - Forcing or enticing a child/young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not they are aware of what is happening.
- Neglect - Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development.
- Emotional Abuse - The persistent emotional ill-treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional and behavioural development.
Imogen Gibson School of Dance will adhere to the relevant legislation when working with children and young people under the age of 18 years as outlined in the following:
- Children Act 1989. Children Act 2004
- Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
- If you see or suspect abuse of a child, immediately make this known to the designated individual/manager responsible for child protection. Disclosure of Abuse if a child tells you that they or another child or young person is being abused:- Always stop and listen straight away, show that you take their allegations seriously. Encourage the child to talk, but do not ask leading questions, interrupt or ask the child to repeat itself. Never promise that you will keep what is said confidential or secret – explain that if you are told something of concern that you will need to let someone know but that you will only tell the people who need to know and can help. Record what you have been told accurately and as soon as possible. Use the child‘s own words. Make a note of the time, location, whether anyone else present and of the Child’s demeanour. Ensure that your concerns are reported immediately to the designated individual/manager. Do not confront the alleged abuser.
- If a child makes an allegation against a member of staff it must be reported as a matter of urgency to the designated manager/individual for child protection who will refer to Social Services department for Children’s Services.
- In all situations the details of allegation or reported incident must be recorded. Make accurate notes of time, dates, incident or disclosure, people involved, what was said and done and by whom, action taken to investigate and further action taken.
- DO NOT worry that you might be mistaken; you have a responsibility to pass on your concerns following a disclosure. Never think abuse is impossible, or that an accusation about a person you know well and trust is bound to be wrong.
Safer recruitment
The Imogen Gibson school of Dance is committed to ensuring that all teaching staff are suitable to work with children and adults. We have a process in place when recruiting new staff, this is to ensure the safety of our students. All staff members and volunteers must provide a DBS check which shows any convictions. This must be a full disclosure DBS check. Two references will also need to be provided- one being a professional reference. All staff must undertake safeguarding training- this can be provided through a chaperone license with Lancashire county council. Teaching staff must provide qualifications and experience in order to deliver classes. The principle (Imogen Gibson) must ensure that all staff are up to date with safeguarding training and legislation and that DBS checks are updated every 3 years or are on the update system.
Intruder policy
We aim to keep the door locked during our classes at both centres where possible. We do use community buildings so there will be other people using the halls. For the Baptist, there are often church meetings and the Civic hall often have council meeting take place as well as Girl guides group and Pendle music Academy. This will mean that other users of the building maybe present during our classes. We will make sure that all students are signed in and out of class. Parents/ carers need to adhere to our code of conduct on dropping off and collecting students.
In the event of an intruder (someone who does not have permission to be in the building), staff need to assess whether this person poses a threat or just needs advice or re direction. Staff can identify themselves and ask their purpose to be on the premises. Depending on the situation staff should make every effort to call the police. Do not attempt to restrain the intruder. Staff should evacuate the children to safety, remaining calm and not to cause distress. In the case of needing to lockdown external doors and internal doors to be locked where possible with windows and blinds closed.
Designated Safeguarding Lead- Imogen Gibson 07590663286 Deputy- Jessica Scott 07887389242
Lancashire County Council Children’s social care – 0300 123 6720
Lancashire County Council Children’s social care (out of hours) 0300 123 6722
Lancashire Police – 101 or 0845 1 25 35 45
Signed – I Gibson
Date- 30/08/2024
Health and Safety
This policy will seek to provide and encourage:
- A safe place to work and safe dance environment, with safe access to and from it.
- Provide up-to date information, instructions, training and supervision to ensure all staff/ volunteers are well equipped to avoid hazards and contribute positively to effective Health & Safety at work.
The policy will be kept up to date to ensure that our responsibilities are met in relation to: - Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) - Management Regulations (1999) - Other relevant current legislation
As a dance school, we have the responsibility to make sure that:
- All parents/ carers have signed a contact form with emergency contact details, any medical conditions/ photography permission.
- Complete all necessary risk assessments for each venue.
- Training for staff is up to date.
- All dance teachers are fully qualified and insured.
- A first aider is always present at any class/ event.
- A first aid box is in sight and any accidents will be reported in an accident book.
- All equipment is safely stored.
- All electrical equipment is regularly tested.
- All staff working with children are enhanced DBS checked/ Any volunteers and chaperones to be DBS checked at dance shows.
- A safeguarding policy is in place and all staff have up to date safeguarding training.
- Dress code is followed – uniform, correct footwear and hair tied up.
Accidents and First Aid - All accidents should be recorded in the accident book. Treatment should be given only by a trained First Aider. Medication should not be offered to any student/staff, this includes antiseptics or pills of any kind. If in doubt with any minor injury or illness phone 111 and parents should be informed. For any emergency call 999.
Safety Checks –
- Equipment - Correct storage of equipment is vital to minimising risks. Any equipment not being used is a potential risk. Every piece of equipment that is being used must be checked before commencing any dance classes/ shows to ensure its safety for use. Check there are no faults with equipment.
- Dance Studio - Ensure floors are clean. Ensure no trip hazards (wires/equipment) Check plug sockets are safe with no wires showing. Ensure doors and exits are secure and there is nothing blocking emergency exits.
- Students - Ensure that all students are wearing appropriate dance wear and footwear to minimise accidents or risk. Ensure photograph permission is clearly stated for each child. Ensure all staff/ volunteers are aware of any medical conditions/ allergies. Students to bring inhalers if asthmatic.
- Theatre – For shows, make sure a risk assessment is in place. Approval from local authorities (BOPA) and Chaperones/ DBS checked helpers backstage.
Fire safety – Before any class/show make sure fire exits are clear and a meeting point is known to dancers and any staff. For the theatre- audience to follow stewards. Back stage staff/students to follow chaperones to meeting point. Head count to take place. Chaperones will already have a list of students in their care. Make sure personal belongings are left and this is done quickly and efficiently.
Security – All students to be signed in on a register. This is the same for classes and any performance. Students that are allowed to walk home without a parent need written consent from a parent/ guardian. The door will be locked whilst classes are on and opened for changeover. Due to this, students can arrive no more than 5 minutes for the class time. If they are early they must wait with a parent/ guardian. All teachers must have a DBS check and must sign in.
Signed- I Gibson 26/08/2024
Data and Privacy
Imogen Gibson School of Dance is committed to the privacy and security of personal information that is collected about of students and their parents. This privacy notice describes how we collect and store personal data, who we share personal data with and how it complies with the General Data Protection Regulation.
It has been agreed that Imogen Gibson (principle) will be appointed as Data Protection Officer and is therefore responsible for the safe storage of information relating to our students and parents. Imogen Gibson School of Dance is a ‘data controller’. This means we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about of students and their parents. We are required under data protection legislation to notify you of the information contained in this privacy notice.
Data Protection Principles
Imogen Gibson School of Dance comply with data protection Law. This means information stored must be:
- Used lawfully, Fairly and in a transparent way
- Kept Securely
- Collected only for valid purposes
- Accurate and kept up to date
- Kept only for as long as necessary
Personal Data or personal information means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. We collect the following information from our students:
- Full Name
- Address
- Any Medical Conditions or allergies
- Accident Forms
- We also ask for photograph permission for advertising purposes such as social media, newspaper articles or any show photographs
- Ethnicity- for ISTD Dance examinations
- School if applicable
We collect the following information from parents/carers:
- Name
- Emergency Contact Telephone numbers
- Address
- Email Address
How we use this information
- We collect the above data to use in case of emergencies. For example a parent/carer needs to be contacted during their child’s lesson.
- We will use this data for use of Exam Entries for ISTD dance exams. Name, DOB and ethnicity.
- We will use this information for Competition Entries. Name and DOB
- We will use this information for Showcases. Emergency contact names and number for backstage at shows. Information will be given to the local authorities to approve children to perform in front of an audience. This is only for certain performances which all parents/carers will be informed of.
Who we share this information with (Third Parties)
- The ISTD will receive name, DOB and ethnicity when applying for candidate pin numbers and Exam timetables. The ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing) comply with General data protection Regulation.
- Local Authorities- when applying for a BOPA. The dance school needs licensing when children are performing in a theatre. This is for safeguarding and child prediction policies. This will be the local authority of your address not the dance school.
- Craven Digital- When booking through our website you are required to add students name, emergency contact number and email for confirmation.
All third party service providers and other entities in the group are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information in line with our policies. We do not allow our third party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes. We only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.
Data Retention
We will only retain your information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for. We will only keep personal contact forms for students for a maximum of 1 school term of the child not attending classes. This will be in case any exam forms/certificates/awards are received and you need to be contacted.
Individual Rights
Our Students and parents are entitled to the following rights under GDPR.
- The right to be informed of how we use your personal data.
- The right to request access to your personal data. This enables you to have a copy of the personal information we hold about you.
- The right to request correction of the personal information we hold about you.
- The right to request erasure of your personal information.
- The right to restrict processing of your personal data.
- The right to data portability.
- The right to object.
You have the right to review your personal data and request any of the above. If you wish to do so please contact the data manager as stated above. We reserve the right to update the privacy notice at any time and we will provide you with a new updated privacy notice.
Signed – I Gibson 26/08/2024
Equal Opportunities Policy
Each student at the Imogen Gibson school of Dance is regarded as of equal importance and worth. This is irrespective of their race, gender, religion or disability. We are committed to promoting an environment where all individuals feel welcome and can achieve their full potential. We strive to celebrate diversity in all aspects and treat all students and staff with dignity and respect. We have a responsibility to comply with the Equality Act 2010.
No child, staff member, parent or volunteer will be discriminated by us on the grounds of
· Age
· Gender
· Race
· Disability
· Sexual Orientation
· Beliefs/ Religion
Our aim is to…
· Ensure that all staff/ volunteers of the dance school recognise that discrimination is not acceptable. All students are to be given equal opportunities in class and at performances.
· Provide a welcome environment where all students feel safe to express themselves, input their ideas and ask questions in class.
· Follow professional standards set by the I.S.T.D (our registered examination board).
· Use inclusive language at classes.
· Set aims and goals that are achievable for all students.
· Not tolerate any bullying at the dance school.
· Take seriously any reports of discrimination/ bullying.
· Build positive relationships with students and their parents/ carers and provide opportunity communication with teachers about progress and any concers.
Anti- bullying
Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group. Bullying can come in many forms including verbal, physical and emotional bullying. At the Imogen Gibson School of Dance, we will not tolerate bullying of any form. All staff members, students and parents have a responsibility to ensure that bullying is prevented. This includes any online bullying.
Any reports of bullying need to be reported to either Imogen Gibson or Jessica Scott.
Our aim is to deal with any incidents swiftly and fairly and to support all of our students. All staff members, students and parents are to follow our Code of Conduct.
Signed I Gibson 26/08/2024
Code of Conduct
Teachers/ Staff
- Teachers are expected to follow all policy guidelines in regards to safeguarding, health and safety, equality and diversity and GDPR.
- Teachers must treat all students as equals and with respect.
- Teachers must ensure that students are not discriminated against on the grounds of race, sex, gender, religion or age.
- Teachers must communicate professionally with other teachers, parents and students.
- Teachers should always work in a co-operative manner with students and their families.
- Teachers should be inclusive to all abilities and set goals and aims that are within reach.
- Teachers should ensure that classes are of an appropriate size to ensure safety.
- Teachers should be aware of child development and ensure steps are executed safely to the dancer’s ability.
- Teachers should keep up to date with any CPD including first aid and safeguarding training.
- Teachers should refer to the risk assessment of venues and be aware of fire escape routes.
- Teachers should sign children in and out of and make sure all contact numbers are to hand.
- Students should respect teaching staff and listen in class. This is also to ensure safety and correct technique.
- Students should respect their peers and treat other students as you wish to be treated. Bullying will not be tolerated.
- Students should aim to be on time or 5 minutes before for their classes.
- Students should wear dance school uniform- either uniform suitable for that class or leggings and dance school t shirts/ hoodies.
- Students should not use their phone in class, the teacher will always have their phone for emergencies.
- Students should not take pictures/ film any other student. Phones should be left in bags.
- Students are encouraged to bring water to class, no fizzy pop.
- Students should wear their hair tied back and off the face and no jewellery to be worn. Small stud earrings are okay- no hoops.
- Parents/ carers should encourage your child to adhere to the above code.
- Parents/ carers should ensure that dancers are dressed appropriately for class. Correct footwear for the session.
- Parents/carers should encourage healthy relationships between class peers and avoid any comparisons.
- Parents/carers should respect the teacher’s advice on grading/ moving up classes. The teacher will only move up students when it is safe to do so.
- Parents/ carers should never force children to take part, this includes exams and performances. We want all students to feel happy at class and they are participating for enjoyment.
- Parents/carers should keep teachers up to date with any medical conditions of students.
- Parents/ carers should keep teachers up to date with any changes of contact numbers.
- Parents/ carers should drop off/ collect students on time.
- Parents/ carers need to inform teachers of children that can walk home on their own in writing- this is also for high school students.
- Parents/carers should wait with students until they have gone into class. Please make sure you have seen your child go into class.
- Parents/ carers need to make sure class fees are paid within the term duration- you can keep up to date by registering for our mailing list.
- Parents/ carers are not to film any class/performance without permission from a teacher- this is for safeguarding practice.
Signed – I Gibson 30/08/2024